
How to start chatting with a girl you like

To start chatting with a girl you like, initiate with a genuine compliment, ask open-ended questions about her interests, and share relatable experiences to create a connection.

Proper Introductions: More Than Just a Name

Talking to someone you like is an awful experience but it does not have to be. With the right approach, it is easy, gentle, and pleasant to start a conversation. Thus, an attractive, fun, and interesting chat will impress a girl and whet her appetite to communicate.

  1. A proper introduction: more than just a name

When you see a girl you are interested in, make sure your greeting is not limited to “Hi” or “Hello.” A strong introduction makes it memorable and presents you in an exciting light. For example, you can say: “Hey, I’ve seen you a few times and really admire your style. I’m Tom, by the way” . It is personal, complimentary, and gives her a great opportunity to react to your words in a friendly manner.

  1. Find commonality

A common interest or experience is the best way to start communication. You can use the environment for the conversation, mutual friends, or other possible connections. Thus, if you are at a party, you can say: “How do you know John? I am friends with him since high school” . This is a subtle way to divide your story and get her message in response.

  1. Ask an open question

Then, to alleviate the effects of silence and avoid the answer “yes” or “no,” it is advisable to ask open questions. Thus, “What do you like to do on weekends?” it’s better to ask “Do you like music?” as this question invites a detailed answer and subsequent clarifying questions.

  1. Complement sincerely

Everyone likes to be flattered and your girlfriend is no exception. Make sure, however, that you are sincere and continuing by highlighting her specific qualities as in the example: “I really appreciate your sense of humor. You always make people around you smile.”

  1. Take care and listen

Listening is as important as talking in a conversation. To show that you are interested in her reactions, always look into her eyes, nod approvingly or share your useful notes or questions. For example, “That’s amazing! How did you get started?” make it clear that you care and want to know more about her.

  1. Share details about yourself

While questions are a key part of the conversation and listen to her response, important information is essential. “You know, you’re into it. I hiked to this place.  and it was amazing.” Such dialogue draws attention for her and makes you more vibrant.


Building Confidence Before Approaching

As mentioned above, your confidence level can significantly affect the first impression. Here’s how you can become more confident before you even start talking to her. The way you feel about yourself and your behavior can deeply impact the situation. No degree or level of attractiveness of a man can evoke interest if he lacks self-confidence.

  1. Mind your appearance

Feeling good about how you look can significantly increase your self-confidence. This doesn’t mean you must dress in a full suit and tie. Still, dressing neatly and in a way that makes you feel comfortable can set the right vibe. Choose clothes that fit you and that make you feel at ease. Always lean towards your personal style and wear things that you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself.

  1. Positive self-talk

The way you talk to yourself can either bolster your self-confidence or ruin it. Say to yourself a few positive words reminding of successful things you’ve done before. “I’ve been in similar situations many times, and everything turned out well. I can do this!” Positive self-talk can calm you down and make you feel more composed.

  1. Practice makes perfect

If the very thought of beginning a conversation makes you shiver, practice is what you need. Try rehearsing a couple of openings in front of a mirror or, even better, with a friend. By doing so, you can find the right words for the moment and alleviate the fear of saying something silly.

  1. Visualize success

One of the common practices not only with shy guys but with Olympic champions, professional speakers, and actors is visualization. Sit back, close your eyes, and vividly imagine having a great conversation with the girl. Imagine her smiling back, both of you laughing, and the conversation flowing naturally. However strange it may seem, it can significantly boost your self-confidence.

  1. Understand body language

Before you say a single word, your body “speaks for you.” Standing tall with your head lifted, forcefully and calmly emboldens you. The same is true concerning a smile. It’s very welcoming and adds confidence to your image. Remember, open body language always evokes reactions, while the closed one says you are not much open for a chat.

Laying the Groundwork for a Great Conversation

The setting of your conversation can play a big role in its success. Here’s how you can pave the way for a great, smooth conversation:

  • Get to know her

    • Personally observe her Do you frequently see her with a book? Maybe she has a particular genre of book she’s always reading. Does she wear sports gear? She’s likely talented in that sport. Is she part of a club? Then, she’s passionate about that club’s activities. Taking these detailed observations can help you tailor your approach.

    • Use social media for good purposes. Find out what she likes or doesn’t like

However, be wary not to be creepy:

“I saw the photo you posted last week on Facebook; it really made me laugh.”

This way, she knows you’re seeing her posts, and you’re sending a message that you actually care about her activities.

  • Let’s say she posted a picture of her at a concert, you could text her: “I saw the photo you posted at the concert. Was it good?”

  • Have some casual conversation opportunities

Attend that club, class, or group you both participate in. Then, ask her opinion on something simple. It’s good to always remember there’s no pressure for someone to engage in a conversation with you.

  • You can ask her about a new school policy

  • You can ask her what she thinks of the new book

  • Smile and make eye contact

  • Free yourself from pupils. The truth is, a smile can help reduce tension on both sides. Rather, it will help smoothen the conversation.

Be ready with the conversation starters

Entering a conversation with a few ideas in mind can help take some of the pressure off. Here are a couple of openers:

  • “What’s been your favorite project in class so far?”

  • “I’ve noticed you’re into [hobby]. How long have you been doing that?”

  • Stay generally informed

Lastly, be generally informed about a range of subjects. This could include the latest news, updates, and information, movies, TV programs, etc. This does not, however, mean you have to be an expert in every area. It just means you can meaningfully contribute to a conversation at hand. Moreover, observe her and get to know how she reacts to your moves. If she seems interested in the conversation, then you can go ahead and let its flow take its place. If not, respect her feelings and give her the distance she so needs.

Keeping the Dialogue Engaging and Fluid

A good conversation can be delightful and unforgettable. Here’s how to keep the conversation with a girl engaging and free-flowing.

Ask Genuine Questions

A meaningful question can anchor an entire conversation around the girl you’re talking to. Ask her questions to genuinely learn about her, not just to keep the conversation alive. ”Where’s a place you’ve always wanted to travel to and why?” shows that you care about what she likes and where she wants to go.

Respond and Enjoy the Continuity of the Conversation

Your conversation should not just revolve around her answers, though. Share your own experiences and stories. If you have a relevant experience, you should share it. ”I’ve actually had a similar moment when…” can make it feel like you’re building a connection between the both of you.

Inject a Little Humor

Some conversations can naturally be a little uptight no matter how you approach them. Make a tasteful joke or a light observation to make the conversation a little lighter. Make sure your humor is not over the top. Laughing together can create a memento between the both of you.

Keep it Positive

While you can naturally have a negative experience or thing that you want to talk about and vent, it’s often a bad sign if too much of your relationship is doused in negativity. Share positive experiences and things that you enjoy talking about.


Respond, ask relevant questions, make nods, and eye contact. “That’s interesting. Tell me more,” obliges her to give you more information, proving that you’re fascinated by what she says.

Adapt to the Depth

Apply her reactions to navigate the conversation. If she seems to be fascinated by a subject, inquire more deeply. If she’s uncomfortable, soften your approach. Respect her boundaries.

Recognize Cycles

Feel free to introduce a new, exciting topic if you’re starting to feel that you’re treading worn-out, old ground. Remember to consume content if you wish to have a steady stream of conversation topics. . ”Do you watch ? How do you feel about it?” Lets you into a news cycle conversation.

Encourage Future Conversations

Mention future conversation topics. ”I’d like to hear the rest of the stories about your hikes you have lined up. Can I see the photos?” shows you’re preparing for a future meeting.

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