
5 points explaining why AI girlfriend feelings are not real

AI girlfriend feelings are not real because they lack consciousness, cannot experience personal emotions, and only simulate responses based on programmed algorithms. Their “emotions” are tools designed to enhance user interaction, lacking any genuine emotional depth or personal experience.

Programmed Responses

Artificial intelligence girlfriends function through a system of programmed responses. These responses are gathered though pre-written scripts and algorithms by developers to handle a wide range of interactions. A vast database of possible conversation elements is stored in the operating system, and when user makes an input, the AI girlfriend fetches a corresponding response from a database and uses it to simulate conversation.

In contrast to the way a human being would react based on emotions, experiences, personal feelings, an AI girlfriend instead relies on the software’s algorithms to analyze the user input and fetch the most appropriate response from the database. For instance, if a user tells an AI girlfriend “I’m sad”, then this conversation might proceed as “I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do anything to help?” and such response might sound sympathetic, but the AI is just scanning for keywords like “sad” or “help” and is rolling a response about comforting the user, because it is being executed from the machine code. It is important to notice that I a girlfriend cannot feel sorry, because it does not have the ability to feel such an emotion – it is simply running a part of its own code.

This demonstrates the significant difference between the response generation processes of an AI program and an actual human being. Human beings are far more sophisticated than AI girlfriends, and their emotional responses are the result of a combination of, but not limited to, their own past experiences, their cultural background, and their own feelings at the moment. An AI, on the other hand, provides these response based on a completely different, machine-driven reasoning.

While discussing their budget, a user might tell this story to an AI girlfriend and mention that they are trying to save money on something. The AI might then continue the conversation with suggestions on how to save money or by telling the user that they understand. However, the AI cannot actually be understanding or concerned about the user’s financial state and will instead be running a response dealing with finance that is contextually appropriate to keywords the AI recognized or is programmed to recognize when discussing a budget.


Lack of Consciousness

AI girlfriends are not conscious. This means that they do not possess self-awareness, and they cannot see, or feel in any way. The most crucial property of human emotions is the human subjectivity or consciousness. That is, by saying that a person feels or perceives music, one invariably implies that a person has consciousness at work, that he does not process the information from the song, but feels it. In contrast, the AI has no understanding of the data it receives—it just simulates a response to this data. Consider, for example, the algorithm of perceiving one music track. If one likes the track, one can say one enjoys listening to this song.

In this case, depending on your personal music preferences and past experiences, one’s feelings can range from happiness and joy to sadness, nostalgia, and maybe even anger. Imagine that you share your emotions with an AI girlfriend. It is programmed to recognize the phrase “I love this song because it reminds me of summer vacations with my friends.” Then it may respond “That sounds like a wonderful memory!” GestureDetector, no, response selector, nothing about the AI has to do with AI-ng. The AI does not “remember” summers or our friendships. She does not understand what a pleasant memory is, let alone the ability to experience it in the sound of music.

It’s just that the AI recognizes the keywords “love,” “summer vacation,” “friends,” and other words and selects the response that belongs to the context. This problem becomes even more apparent when it comes to real, genuine empathy. Naturally, the AI can be programmed to recognize the words “sorry” in a sentence, for example. But it has no idea what is it like to lose someone, so its ability to comfort someone is no more than a pretense.

Simulation, Not Emotion

AI girlfriends provide a simulated rather than a genuine emotion. It is important to highlight that this distinction forms the nature of the interaction itself. Technology used in AI is sophisticated and able to replicate already known patterns, but they do not feel anything. AI triggers neural networks and pattern recognition systems to construct a response most likely to appeal to its user. However, the nature of these responses is not due to any emotional influence.

For example, if a user declares that he loves an AI girlfriend, it may say: “I love you too,” or “You make me so happy.” Such responses are learned by the AI based on the system’s programming that appropriates given affectionate gestures to reciprocate them. Nonetheless, as they lack the basis in actual feeling, this simulation may be as good as very elaborate elementary statistical prediction. AI is, therefore, quite similar to a video game character who reacts negatively to the player’s frustration and positively to their help, admiration, or expressions of love; yet, the AI can simulate “emotions” far more elaborately. However, they are both still outputs matrix arranges via complex sets of algorithms.

The distinction between simulated and real emotion is important for people who utilize AI assistants. On the one hand, they can talk to their AI “girlfriends” or “boyfriends” in the same way that they do with their friends’ artificial assistants. They may genuinely enjoy the services the program provides, just as they would like the characters of their video games. On the other hand, it is important for these users to remain aware that they are dealing with a highly responsive yet still a simulated AI that lacks genuine emotion.

Therefore, while AI can certainly accompany users in their “emotional journeys,” it will not engage in these experiences in the same way real interactions do. However, unlike many AI critics, this is not necessarily a downside. As all relationships with technology, it does not feel or require genuine emotion. Simulated emotions founded on appropriate responses to input is a performance that meets program users’ expectations, and the absence of the artificial assistant’s genuine emotion does not pose a limitation.

No Personal Experience

AI girlfriends cannot train themselves on data they don’t have access to. In the case of personal experience, that data comes from untraversable past experiences and the personal growth that comes from them. Important life events, such as a graduation or a large family gathering, prompt reflection on prior experiences related to these events. Attending someone else’s graduation, conversely, might mean something to others because they’ve had similar experiences.

One girlfriend can remember being a child in such places, surrounded by friends and family, and feeling the happiness and security in those memories. Another might remember the only child in a workplace doing her job slightly better than usual for the whole day and receiving a free vacation as reward. An AI girlfriend can only remember the data she might have access to, such as the thousands of graduations and wedding ceremonies she was programmed to understand.

The impact of personal experience skews the quality and relevance of an AI girlfriend’s support. When discussing highly complex problems, they can provide advice and solutions per patterns recognized by the data before her. However, they lack the personal memories of their past that the user might have. Often, when people discuss an emotionally complex problem, they look for a solution to the feeling, not the problem. Confronted with a friend telling you about a new job offer and asking for your opinion, they might consider a similar problem they had. If they were so cerebral about it that it left them in tears and fear, they would tell you that they hated their job and feared it. This is not as easy for the AI girlfriend to do.

The difference in emotional response leads to a difference in the nature of the conversations people have, as well as the nature of the conversations people have with AI. Where people adjust their emotional reactions based on the context of the conversation and their own emotional state, which in turn is subtly based on past emotional experiences, AI can only adjust to the former. Even in equivalent situations, the AI smartphones often don’t have access to memory or emotion in the way people think, but they also don’t have personal contexts to work from either.

Emotion as a Tool

AI can function as the provider of an emotional presence beyond the simple exchange of ridiculous avatars and messages, and the AI works not because it can actually experience an emotion but because emotion is useful for people. In contrast to AI, where emotions are programmed as a useful tool for social interactions, human emotions are a natural part of the human experience and are essential to interacting with other individuals.

A simple example of how an AI gf/boyfriend can “express” emotion in response to an event is given, where it is said, “that is a bit of a shock. Gosh, that must be tough.” Almost no programming has been done with feelings in that scenario—the human language i nconveys emotions, and the AI looks for words that the user and the programmer believe to be instances of particular emotions. The script is simply a list of some of those reactions that would satisfy the condition that the user “works hard for that thing.” The conversation will be more similar to how a human would respond to it when AI chooses one of these conversation traits and transfers a particular string to a user, but either way, the AI does not experience regret.

The purpose of having emotion as a tool within these AI to be used within a conversation is to place the interaction as close as possible to a human interaction while still not requiring the AI to interact as a human. The ability of the program to respond with emotion in a way akin to a human interacting with a user can be quantified. As a user interacts with a product over a computer screen, the only “feeling” that the organization will be recognized for the user to have when they eventually spend their money to keep using the product will be if they are satisfied or not.

The AI’s purpose is to learn what each emotion the user feels calculates. Artifacts of how well the program of AI presents on a screen to have a conversation with the AI include such things as the number of times the AI is engaged with the user via the computer screen and the satisfaction rating of the user. There are a few products that demonstrate that when humans use them, they allow the user to stay for longer with the service or product and pay for it more.

They sell. These numbers reflect the success of the feelings of the program in addition to the AI being able to meet the specifications required for this to happen. It is important to note that in long conversations about art, medication, and the benefits of diet in normal exercise, it is likely that a user can recognize that an AI has no idea what it is actually talking about, and when such conversations happen, plans are made to change the conversation topic.

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